35 research outputs found

    Truthful Information Dissemination in General Asynchronous Networks

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    We give a protocol for information dissemination in asynchronous networks of rational players, where each player may have its own desires and preferences as to the outcome of the protocol, and players may deviate from the protocol if doing so achieves their goals. We show that under minimalistic assumptions, it is possible to solve the information dissemination problem in a truthful manner, such that no participant has an incentive to deviate from the protocol we design. Our protocol works in any asynchronous network, provided the network graph is at least 2-connected. We complement the protocol with two impossibility results, showing that 2-connectivity is necessary, and also that our protocol achieves optimal bit complexity. As an application, we show that truthful information dissemination can be used to implement a certain class of communication equilibria, which are equilibria that are typically reached by interacting with a trusted third party. Recent work has shown that communication equilibria can be implemented in synchronous networks, or in asynchronous, complete networks; we show that in some useful cases, our protocol yields a lightweight mechanism for implementing communication equilibria in any 2-connected asynchronous network

    Simple and Efficient Batch Verification Techniques for Verifiable Delay Functions

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    We study the problem of batch verification for verifiable delay functions (VDFs), focusing on proofs of correct exponentiation (PoCE), which underlie recent VDF constructions. We show how to compile any PoCE into a batch PoCE, offering significant savings in both communication and verification time. Concretely, given any PoCE with communication complexity cc, verification time tt and soundness error δ\delta, and any pseudorandom function with key length kprf{\sf k}_{\sf prf} and evaluation time tprf t_{\sf prf}, we construct: -- A batch PoCE for verifying nn instances with communication complexity mc+kprfm\cdot c +{\sf k}_{\sf prf}, verification time mt+nmO(top+tprf)m\cdot t + n\cdot m\cdot O(t_{\sf op} + t_{\sf prf}) and soundness error δ+2m\delta + 2^{-m}, where λ\lambda is the security parameter, mm is an adjustable parameter that can take any integer value, and topt_{\sf op} is the time required to evaluate the group operation in the underlying group. This should be contrasted with the naive approach, in which the communication complexity and verification time are ncn \cdot c and ntn \cdot t, respectively. The soundness of this compiler relies only on the soundness of the underlying PoCE and the existence of one-way functions. -- An improved batch PoCE based on the low order assumption. For verifying nn instances, the batch PoCE requires communication complexity c+kprfc +{\sf k}_{\sf prf} and verification time t+n(tprf+log(s)O(top))t + n\cdot (t_{\sf prf} + \log(s)\cdot O(t_{\sf op})), and has soundness error δ+1/s\delta + 1/s. The parameter ss can take any integer value, as long as it is hard to find group elements of order less than ss in the underlying group. We discuss instantiations in which ss can be exponentially large in the security parameter λ\lambda. If the underlying PoCE is constant round and public coin (as is the case for existing protocols), then so are all of our batch PoCEs. This implies that they can be made non-interactive using the Fiat-Shamir transform. Additionally, for RSA groups with moduli which are the products of two safe primes, we show how to efficiently verify that certain elements are not of order 22. This protocol, together with the second compiler above and any (single-instance) PoCE in these groups, yields an efficient batch PoCE in safe RSA groups. To complete the picture, we also show how to extend Pietrzak\u27s protocol (which is statistically sound in the group QRN+QR_N^+ when NN is the product of two safe primes) to obtain a statistically-sound PoCE in safe RSA groups

    Non-Malleable Vector Commitments via Local Equivocability

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    Vector commitments (VCs), enabling to commit to a vector and locally reveal any of its entries, play a key role in a variety of both classic and recently-evolving applications. However, security notions for VCs have so far focused on passive attacks, and non-malleability notions considering active attacks have not been explored. Moreover, existing frameworks that may enable to capture the non-malleability of VCs seem either too weak (non-malleable non-interactive commitments that do not account for the security implications of local openings) or too strong (non-malleable zero-knowledge sets that support both membership and non-membership proofs). We put forward a rigorous framework capturing the non-malleability of VCs, striking a careful balance between the existing weaker and stronger frameworks: We strengthen the framework of non-malleable non-interactive commitments by considering attackers that may be exposed to local openings, and we relax the framework of non-malleable zero-knowledge sets by focusing on membership proofs. In addition, we strengthen both frameworks by supporting (inherently-private) updates to entries of committed vectors, and discuss the benefits of non-malleable VCs in the context of both UTXO-based and account-based stateless blockchains, and in the context of simultaneous multi-round auctions (that have been adopted by the US Federal Communications Commission as the standard auction format for selling spectrum ranges). Within our framework we present a direct approach for constructing non-malleable VCs whose efficiency essentially matches that of the existing standard VCs. Specifically, we show that any VC can be transformed into a non-malleable one, relying on a new primitive that we put forth. Our new primitive, locally-equivocable commitments with all-but-one binding, is evidently both conceptually and technically simpler compared to multi-trapdoor mercurial trapdoor commitments (the main building block underlying existing non-malleable zero-knowledge sets), and admits more efficient instantiations based on the same number-theoretic assumptions

    The Security of Lazy Users in Out-of-Band Authentication

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    Faced with the threats posed by man-in-the-middle attacks, messaging platforms rely on out-of-band\u27\u27 authentication, assuming that users have access to an external channel for authenticating one short value. For example, assuming that users recognizing each other\u27s voice can authenticate a short value, Telegram and WhatApp ask their users to compare 288288-bit and 200200-bit values, respectively. The existing protocols, however, do not take into account the plausible behavior of users who may be lazy\u27\u27 and only compare parts of these values (rather than their entirety). Motivated by such a security-critical user behavior, we study the security of lazy users in out-of-band authentication. We start by showing that both the protocol implemented by WhatsApp and the statistically-optimal protocol of Naor, Segev and Smith (CRYPTO \u2706) are completely vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks when the users consider only a half of the out-of-band authenticated value. In this light, we put forward a framework that captures the behavior and security of lazy users. Our notions of security consider both statistical security and computational security, and for each flavor we derive a lower bound on the tradeoff between the number of positions that are considered by the lazy users and the adversary\u27s forgery probability. Within our framework we then provide two authentication protocols. First, in the statistical setting, we present a transformation that converts any out-of-band authentication protocol into one that is secure even when executed by lazy users. Instantiating our transformation with a new refinement of the protocol of Naor et al. results in a protocol whose tradeoff essentially matches our lower bound in the statistical setting. Then, in the computational setting, we show that the computationally-optimal protocol of Vaudenay (CRYPTO \u2705) is secure even when executed by lazy users -- and its tradeoff matches our lower bound in the computational setting

    Accountability for Misbehavior in Threshold Decryption via Threshold Traitor Tracing

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    A tt-out-of-nn threshold decryption system assigns key shares to nn parties so that any tt of them can decrypt a well-formed ciphertext. Existing threshold decryption systems are not secure when these parties are rational actors: an adversary can offer to pay the parties for their key shares. The problem is that a quorum of tt parties, working together, can sell the adversary a decryption key that reveals nothing about the identity of the traitor parties. This provides a risk-free profit for the parties since there is no accountability for their misbehavior --- the information they sell to the adversary reveals nothing about their identity. This behavior can result in a complete break in many applications of threshold decryption, such as encrypted mempools, private voting, and sealed-bid auctions. In this work we show how to add accountability to threshold decryption systems to deter this type of risk-free misbehavior. Suppose a quorum of tt or more parties construct a decoder algorithm D()D(\cdot) that takes as input a ciphertext and outputs the corresponding plaintext or \bot. They sell DD to the adversary. Our threshold decryption systems are equipped with a tracing algorithm that can trace DD to members of the quorum that created it. The tracing algorithm is only given blackbox access to DD and will identify some members of the misbehaving quorum. The parties can then be held accountable, which may discourage them from selling the decoder DD in the first place. Our starting point is standard (non-threshold) traitor tracing, where nn parties each holds a secret key. Every party can decrypt a well-formed ciphertext on its own. However, if a subset of parties J[n]{\cal J} \subseteq [n] collude to create a pirate decoder D()D(\cdot) that can decrypt well-formed ciphertexts, then it is possible to trace DD to at least one member of J{\cal J} using only blackbox access to the decoder DD. Traitor tracing received much attention over the years and multiple schemes have been developed. In this work we develop the theory of traitor tracing for threshold decryption, where now only a subset J[n]{\cal J} \subseteq [n] of tt or more parties can collude to create a pirate decoder D()D(\cdot). This problem has recently become quite important due to the real-world deployment of threshold decryption in encrypted mempools, as we explain in the paper. While there are several non-threshold traitor tracing schemes that we can leverage, adapting these constructions to the threshold decryption settings requires new cryptographic techniques. We present a number of constructions for traitor tracing for threshold decryption, and note that much work remains to explore the large design space

    Proactive Refresh for Accountable Threshold Signatures

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    An accountable threshold signature (ATS) is a threshold signature scheme where every signature identifies the quorum of signers who generated that signature. They are widely used in financial settings where signers need to be held accountable for threshold signatures they generate. In this paper we initiate the study of proactive refresh for accountable threshold signatures. Proactive refresh is a protocol that lets the group of signers refresh their shares of the secret key, without changing the public key or the threshold. We give several definitions for this notion achieving different levels of security. We observe that certain natural constructions for an ATS cannot be proactively refreshed because the secret key generated at setup is needed for accountability. We then construct three types of ATS schemes with proactive refresh. The first is a generic construction that is efficient when the number of signers is small. The second is a hybrid construction that performs well for a large number of signers and satisfies a strong security definition. The third is a collection of very practical constructions derived from ATS versions of the Schnorr and BLS signature schemes; however these practical constructions only satisfy our weaker notion of security

    Post-Quantum Single Secret Leader Election (SSLE) From Publicly Re-randomizable Commitments

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    A Single Secret Leader Election (SSLE) enables a group of parties to randomly choose exactly one leader from the group with the restriction that the identity of the leader will be known to the chosen leader and nobody else. At a later time, the elected leader should be able to publicly reveal her identity and prove that she is the elected leader. The election process itself should work properly even if many registered users are passive and do not send any messages. SSLE is used to strengthen the security of proof-of-stake consensus protocols by ensuring that the identity of the block proposer remains unknown until the proposer publishes a block. Boneh, Eskandarian, Hanzlik, and Greco (AFT\u2720) defined the concept of an SSLE and gave several constructions. Their most efficient construction is based on the difficulty of the Decision Diffie-Hellman problem in a cyclic group. In this work we construct the first efficient SSLE protocols based on the standard Learning With Errors (LWE) problem on integer lattices, as well as the Ring-LWE problem. Both are believed to be post-quantum secure. Our constructions generalize the paradigm of Boneh et al. by introducing the concept of a re-randomizable commitment (RRC). We then construct several post-quantum RRC schemes from lattice assumptions and prove the security of the derived SSLE protocols. Constructing a lattice-based RRC scheme is non-trivial, and may be of independent interest

    Characterization of Secure Multiparty Computation Without Broadcast

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    A major challenge in the study of cryptography is characterizing the necessary and sufficient assumptions required to carry out a given cryptographic task. The focus of this work is the necessity of a broadcast channel for securely computing symmetric functionalities (where all the parties receive the same output) when one third of the parties, or more, might be corrupted. Assuming all parties are connected via a peer-to-peer network, but no broadcast channel (nor a secure setup phase) is available, we prove the following characterization: * A symmetric n-party functionality can be securely computed facing n/3<=t<n/2 corruptions (i.e., honest majority), if and only if it is \emph{(n-2t)-dominated}; a functionality is k-dominated, if \emph{any} k-size subset of its input variables can be set to determine its output. * Assuming the existence of one-way functions, a symmetric n-party functionality can be securely computed facing t>=n/2 corruptions (i.e., no honest majority), if and only if it is 1-dominated and can be securely computed with broadcast. It follows that, in case a third of the parties might be corrupted, broadcast is necessary for securely computing non-dominated functionalities (in which small subsets of the inputs cannot determine the output), including, as interesting special cases, the Boolean XOR and coin-flipping functionalities

    From Fairness to Full Security in Multiparty Computation

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    In the setting of secure multiparty computation (MPC), a set of mutually distrusting parties wish to jointly compute a function, while guaranteeing the privacy of their inputs and the correctness of the output. An MPC protocol is called fully secure if no adversary can prevent the honest parties from obtaining their outputs. A protocol is called fair if an adversary can prematurely abort the computation, however, only before learning any new information. We present highly efficient transformations from fair computations to fully secure computations, assuming the fraction of honest parties is constant (e.g., 1% of the parties are honest). Compared to previous transformations that require linear invocations (in the number of parties) of the fair computation, our transformations require super-logarithmic, and sometimes even super-constant, such invocations. The main idea is to delegate the computation to chosen random committees that invoke the fair computation. Apart from the benefit of uplifting security, the reduction in the number of parties is also useful, since only committee members are required to work, whereas the remaining parties simply listen to the computation over a broadcast channel. One application of these transformations is a new δ\delta-bias coin-flipping protocol, whose round complexity has a super-logarithmic dependency on the number of parties, improving over the protocol of Beimel, Omri, and Orlov (Crypto 2010) that has a linear dependency. A second application is a new fully secure protocol for computing the Boolean OR function, with a super-constant round complexity, improving over the protocol of Gordon and Katz (TCC 2009) whose round complexity is linear in the number of parties. Finally, we show that our positive results are in a sense optimal, by proving that for some functionalities, a super-constant number of (sequential) invocations of the fair computation is necessary for computing the functionality in a fully secure manner

    Hypoparathyroidism-retardation-dysmorphism syndrome—Clinical insights from a large longitudinal cohort in a single medical center

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    BackgroundHypoparathyroidism, retardation, and dysmorphism (HRD) Syndrome is a rare disease composed of hypoparathyroidism, retardation of both growth and development, and distinctive dysmorphic features. Here, we describe the long-term morbidity and mortality in a large cohort of HRD patients and suggest recommendations for follow up and treatment.MethodsMedical records of 63 HRD syndrome patients who were followed at Soroka Medical Center during 1989–2019 were reviewed retrospectively. Information regarding demographics, medical complications, laboratory findings, and imaging studies was collected.ResultsThe mortality rate was 52%. The main causes of death were infectious diseases including pneumonia, septic shock, and meningitis. Multiple comorbidities were found including brain anomalies in 90% of examined patients (basal ganglia calcifications, tightening of corpus callosum, Chiari malformation, hydrocephalous, and brain atrophy), seizures in 62%, nephrocalcinosis and/or nephrolithiasis in 47%, multiple eye anomalies were recorded in 40%, bowel obstructions in 9.5%, and variable expression of both conductive and senso-neural hearing loss was documented in 9.5%.ConclusionHRD is a severe multisystem disease. Active surveillance is indicated to prevent and treat complications associated with this rare syndrome